OData + Angular.js + Bootstrap + JavaScript Grid = application in 5 minutes

Suppose that you are developing a user survey Web application. The application would include the survey form (detailed form) and a form to view and edit the list of surveyed users (list form).

Let us consider the process of creating these forms using the following tools: OData, Angular.js, Bootstrap and JavaScript Grid. All of the necessary features have already been implemented in these tools, and we practically do not need to write anything.

Continue reading OData + Angular.js + Bootstrap + JavaScript Grid = application in 5 minutes

Data management using OData protocol

Open Data Protocol (OData) is open Web protocol for querying and updating data. The protocol allows for the performing of operations on resources, requesting them via HTTP commands, and exchanging data in JSON or XML. OData is one of the best standards to create a RESTful API.

You can query the data using simple HTTP requests. For example:
https://samples.databoom.space/api1/sampledb/collections/persons?$filter=firstname eq ‘Lamar’ Find all people having first name Lamar

OData allows for the setting of a very large number of parameters, which allows one to form highly complex queries to the data source. For example:
https://samples.databoom.space/api1/sampledb/collections/books?$filter=publisher/president/likes/author/firstname eq ‘Georgie’&$top=10&$orderby=title Select all books satisfying the following condition: The president of the publisher that publicized the selected book likes the books of author named “Georgie”. The result should be sorted by the book titles, and the first 10 books should be displayed.

OData query language is comparable in power to SQL.

Continue reading Data management using OData protocol